

number english
1,000 one thousand
1,000,000 one million
1,000,000,000 one billion
1,000,000,000,000 one trillion
8,3564,321 eight million five hundred and sixty-four
thousand three hundred and twenty two
0.1 one tenth,"oh-point-one", "zero-point-one"
0.01 one hundredth
0.01 one thousandth
9.261 nine point six two one
{\frac{1}{2}} one half
{\frac{1}{3}} one third
{\frac{2}{3}} two thirds
{\frac{1}{4}} one quarter
{\frac{3}{4}} three quarters
{\frac{1}{5}} one fifth
{\frac{3}{5}} three fifths
{\frac{1}{6}} one sixth
{\frac{5}{6}} five sixths
{\frac{1}{10}} one tenth
{\frac{3}{16}} three sixteenths
{3\frac{1}{3}} three and one third
2+3=5 two plus three equals five
two added to three makes five
3-2=1 three minus two equals one
two from three leaves one
5×4=20 five times four equals twenty
five multiplied by four equals twenty
five four are twenty
6÷2=3 six divided by two equals three
3^2=9 three squared equals nine
3^3=27 three cubed equals twenty-seven
x^4 x to the fourth (power)
x^5 x to the fifth
e^x e to the x
means e raised to the xth powers
exponential of x
{\sqrt{x}} the square root of x
\sqrt[3]{x} the cubed root of x
( ) parentheses
[ ] brackets(square brackets)
{ } curly brackets
log x log x
log_{2}x log of x to the base two
log to the base two fo x
ln x the natural logarithm of x
log to the base e of x
f(x) f of x
{\frac{dy}{dx}} dy by dx
derivative of y with respect to x
sin \theta sine theta
cos \theta cos theta / the cosine of theta
tan \theta tan theta
a > b a is greater than b
b < a b is less than a